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Life can only be understood going backwards, but it must be lived going forwards - Kierkegaard. Dynamic Programming is a mathematical technique that is used in several fields of research including economics, finance, engineering. It deals with making decisions over different stages of the problem in order to minimize (or maximize) a corresponding cost function (or reward). The outcome of a decision at a given stage can be fully predicted (deterministic) or can only be partially predicted (with randomness involved).


If you are watching a video on You Tube and the video is paused for an annoying 30 sec advertisement, you probably should know the history behind on-line advertisements. In fact, advertising and internet helped each other attain their respective potentials. Without advertising, there wouldn’t be any Google or Facebook (may be not in the present form), and without any internet, you probably wouldn’t know about a tourist package in a remote island like Madeira.



Traffic Sign Classification

Using transfer learning to classify traffic signs on the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmarks Dataset.

Course Recommender Engine

Developed during Hack OH/IO 2016

Fake News Challenge- stage 1

Secured seventh place in FNC. The task of the first stage of the contest is Stance Detection i.e. tag a news article with respect to its title into one of four categories, namely unrelated, neutral, negative, positive. Combined hand engineered features with word embeddings and built a hierarchical classifier using boosting trees to combat the uneven distribution of data among the classes.

Connected and Autonomous Traffic Simulator

CATS is simulation environment to aid researchers in transportation


  • Grader: ECE 5759, Non linear Optimization, Fall 2016, Fall 2017
  • Grader: ECE 3050, Signals and Systems, Spring 2017
